Monday, April 11, 2011

How Much Is The iPad 2 Going To Cost?

The iPad was almost an overnight sensation, so with Apple's announcement that they would soon be releasing an iPad 2, many people have questions, including how much is iPad 2 going to cost and what should be expected of it? It may have come as a shock to many that Apple was releasing a new iPad when the original came out only six months prior, but to many it was an announcement welcomed with anticipation.
The iPad 2 does a lot things to improve the first iPad including being smaller and being over 2x faster. This new model really pushes tablets forward in the gaming market as well as high definition media. There are also a lot of other new features that should impress many consumers.
The new iPad 2, will be sold at a base price of $499.00 for 16GB and Wi-Fi, the next step up is 32GB for $599.00, following is 64GB for $699.00. You can purchase the new iPad's with 3G and Wi-Fi, and they will run in price as follows; $629.00 for 16GB, $739.00 for 32GB, and $829.00 for 64GB. If you are currently not an owner of the original iPad and are wandering how much more it will be to purchase the second generation instead of the first, the original is typically priced around $399.00 currently. So you could save about one-hundred dollars, but if you can afford to you might want to consider getting in on the iPad 2.
The typical response to the first iPad was gleeful; most people experienced zero buyers' remorse. So it is a safe bet that the second generation will not let us down. It is said that the iPad 2 will be released in early march 2011, and will be available at Wal-mart and Best Buy. You may be able to find the device for sale through other retail chains, but as of now these two are sure bets. What we know for sure is that the new iPad will have a camera, be thinner, and faster than the original. And, because it is an Apple product we can also be pretty safe in the assumption that it will not disappoint. Nobody knows what the future holds until the actual release date arrives, but what Apple has let us in on, is that the iPad 2 will be pretty affordable, running only modestly higher in price than the first generation.
For more great information about the iPad 2, check out the author's website which has lots of useful information including a comparison of should you choose the iPad 2 or Xoom.

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